Match Point (2005)
Imagine Me & You (2005)
Regina fecioara (2005)
Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen
La umbra copacilor verzi (2005)
Under the Greenwood Tree
Fascinatie (2004)
Suzie Gold (2004)
Pur si simplu dragoste (2003)
Love Actually
Iris (2001)
Viata mea pana acum (1999)
My Life So Far
Orient (1998)
East is East
The Wings of the Dove (1997)
Portretul unei doamne (1996)
The Portrait of a Lady
Emma (1996)
Agentul secret (1996)
The Secret Agent
Kolya (1996)
Jean si Kate (1996)
Snakes & Ladders
Richard III (1995)
Grotesc (1995)
The Grotesque / Grave Indiscretion
Muzeul insangerat (1995)
Margaret's Museum
Patru nunti si o inmormantare (1994)
Four Weddings and a Funeral