Podul din San Luis Rey (2005)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Vocea Mortii (2005)
White Noise
Regele junglei (2004)
Darkhunters (2004)
Sylvia (2003)
Bodysong (2003)
Umbra vampirului (2000)
Shadow of the Vampire
Pretul nemuririi (1998)
Immortality / The Wisdom of Crocodiles
Lumea lui Bobby (1998)
All The Little Animals
Reportaj pe muchie de cutit (1998)
Divorcing Jack
Iubirea secreta a Reginei Victoria (1997)
Mrs. Brown
Vreau capul lui Mavis Davis (1997)
Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis
Casa bantuita (1995)
Muzeul insangerat (1995)
Margaret's Museum
Patru nunti si o inmormantare (1994)
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Frankenstein (1994)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Taramul umbrelor (1993)
Harta sufletului (1993)
Map of the Human Heart
Pariuri (1993)
Inapoi la Howards (1992)
Howards End