Something To Remember Me By (2005)
Para Que No Me Olvides
Refugiul (2004)
My Father and I (2001)
How I Killed My Father
Indragostitii de la Cercul Polar (1998)
Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar / The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Singure (1998)
Martin (Hache) (1997)
Adulti peste noapte (1997)
Messieurs Les Enfants
Kika (1993)
Belle epoque (1992)
Tata in calatorie de serviciu (1985)
Otac Na Sluzbenom Putu / When Father Was Away on Business
Labirintul pasiunilor (1982)
Laberinto de Pasiones / Labyrinth of Passion
Spiritul stupului (1973)
El Espiritu de la Colmena / The Spirit of the Beehive