Joe, barmanul din Tokyo (1949)
Tokyo Joe
O poveste adevarata (1948)
State of the Union
Piratul (1948)
The Pirate
Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
The Long Night (1947)
Body and Soul (1947)
Strainul (1946)
The Stranger
Viata furata (1946)
A Stolen Life
Verdict (1946)
The Verdict
Indoiala (1943)
Shadow of a Doubt
Esti cea mai frumoasa (1942)
You Were Never Lovelier
The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)
Suspiciune (1941)
Hold Back The Dawn (1941)
Frumoasa din New Orleans (1941)
The Flame of New Orleans
Femeia cu doua fete (1941)
Two-Faced Woman
Rebecca (1940)
The Westerner (1940)