Butch Cassidy si Sundance Kid (1969)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Hoinarii (1969)
The Reivers
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969)
Acei oameni minunati si masinile lor zburatoare (1969)
Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies
Impas (1969)
Frosty the Snowman (1969)
Producatorii (1968)
The Producers
Masina buclucasa (1968)
The Love Bug
The Scalphunters (1968)
Duel in Pacific (1968)
Hell in the Pacific
Felicitari (1968)
Fantoma lui Barba Neagra (1968)
Blackbeard's Ghost
Heidi (1968)
The Odd Couple (1968)
A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1968)
El Dorado (1967)
Luv (1967)
Cosmonaut din intamplare (1967)
The Reluctant Astronaut
Razboiul din Abilene (1967)
Gunfight in Abilene