True Grit (1969)
Nebuna din Chaillot (1969)
The Madwoman of Chaillot
Lada dreptunghiulara (1969)
The Oblong Box
More Dead Than Alive (1969)
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968)
C'era Una Volta Il West / Once Upon a Time in the West
Spanzurati-i sus si scurt (1968)
Hang 'em High
Nu e rentabil sa fii erou (1968)
The Hell with Heroes
Razbunarea sfantului (1968)
Vendetta for the Saint
Point Blank (1967)
Comoara din tren (1967)
The War Wagon
The Glory Stompers (1967)
Urmarirea (1966)
The Chase
Nevada Smith (1966)
Intoarcerea celor 7 magnifici (1966)
Return of the Magnificent Seven / Return of the Seven
The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)
Maiorul Dundee (1965)
Major Dundee
Cat Ballou (1965)
Stapanul domeniului (1965)
The War Lord
Dead Birds (1964)
Adio, Charlie! (1964)
Goodbye Charlie