Peste Limite (1979)
Over the Edge
Unu la unu (1979)
A Force of One
Ochii Laurei Mars (1978)
Eyes of Laura Mars
Joc inselator (1978)
Foul Play
Razbunarea Panterei Roz (1978)
The Revenge of the Pink Panther
Convoiul (1978)
Smokey si Bandit (1977)
Smokey and the Bandit
Martor sub protectie (1977)
The Gauntlet
Inspectorul Harry nu se da batut (1976)
The Enforcer
Cursa ticnitilor (1976)
The Gumball Rally
Dupa-amiaza de caine (1975)
Dog Day Afternoon
Averea (1975)
The Fortune
Intoarcerea in Macon County (1975)
Return to Macon County
Forta pumnului (1975)
Strike Force
Raport confidential (1974)
Report to the Commissioner
Mister Majestyk (1974)
Mr. Majestyk
Foxy Brown (1974)
Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
Marea despartire (1973)
The Long Goodbye
Forta pistolului (1973)
Magnum Force