Cercul poetilor disparuti (1989)
Dead Poets Society
Seinfeld (1989)
Sex, minciuni si casete video (1989)
sex, lies, and videotape
Glory (1989)
Cand Harry o intalneste pe Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally
Tango si Cash (1989)
Tango & Cash
Magnolii de otel (1989)
Steel Magnolias
Spune orice... (1989)
Say Anything...
Femeile din Brewster Place (1989)
The Women of Brewster Place
Soferul Doamnei Daisy (1989)
Driving Miss Daisy
Nu suntem ingeri (1989)
We're No Angels
Twin Peaks: Episod pilot (1989)
Twin Peaks: Ep. pilot
Trupa din Beverly Hills (1989)
Troop Beverly Hills
Nopti in Harlem (1989)
Harlem Nights
Major League (1989)
Pamantence usuratice (1989)
Earth Girls Are Easy
Dincolo de stele (1989)
Beyond the Stars
Unul nu vede, celalalt nu aude (1989)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Incidentul (1989)
The Incident
Soimi (1989)