Razboiul rozelor (1989)
The War of the Roses
Intre lege si dreptate (1989)
True Believer
Proces de constiinta (1989)
Criminal Law
Incidentul (1989)
The Incident
Proba fizica (1989)
Physical Evidence
Un pestisor pe nume Wanda (1988)
A Fish Called Wanda
Politist in blugi (1988)
Cherry 2000 (1988)
Alibi din dragoste (1988)
Her Alibi
Al zecelea om (1988)
The Tenth Man
Academia FBI (1988)
Ernest salveaza Craciunul (1988)
Ernest Saves Christmas
Cine-i fata? (1987)
Who's That Girl?
Nebuna (1987)
Suspect de crima (1987)
Walker (1987)
Juramantul tacerii (1987)
Sworn to Silence
Inarmati si Periculosi (1986)
Armed and Dangerous
Demnitate incalcata (1986)
From the Hip
Un sac de bani (1986)
The Money Pit