Johnny Baiat Frumos (1989)
Johnny Handsome
Turnul din Bethleem (1988)
Pass the Ammo
Scarecrows (1988)
Falci: Razbunarea (1987)
Jaws: The Revenge
La miezul noptii (1986)
'Round Midnight
Alb sau negru? (1986)
Soul Man
Argint viu (1986)
Mishima (1985)
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
Pe urmele lui Jessie (1984)
Against All Odds
Cacialmaua II (1983)
The Sting II
Indragostit cerebral (1983)
The Man with Two Brains
Smokey si Banditul II (1980)
Smokey and the Bandit II
Parale pentru sfinti (1980)
In God We Trust