Baiatul familiei Winslow (1999)
The Winslow Boy
Votul decisiv (1999)
Swing Vote
David Copperfield (1999)
Care pe care (1999)
It's The Rage / All the Rage
A patra porunca (1999)
The Confession
Marile sperante (1999)
Great Expectations
Scrisori despre viata (1999)
Love Letters
Dusman de moarte (1999)
Restraining Order
Aparente inselatoare (1999)
Where the Truth Lies
Fetele de la (1999)
Crima in direct (1998)
Avocatul (1998)
A Civil Action
Avocat si Victima (1998)
The Gingerbread Man
Lumi diferite (1998)
Any Day Now
Razbunare de familie (1998)
Final Justice
Credinta oarba (1998)
Blind Faith
Miezul noptii in gradina binelui si a raului (1997)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Pact cu Diavolul (1997)
The Devil's Advocate
Noaptea in Manhattan (1997)
Night Falls on Manhattan
Omul care aduce ploaia (1997)
The Rainmaker