Sfarsitul Aventurii (1999)
The End of the Affair
Say You'll Be Mine (1999)
Afaceri neterminate (1999)
The Best Man
Splendoare (1999)
Iubirea nu-i buna de nimic (1999)
Love Stinks
O fiica de soldat nu plange! (1998)
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries
Totul despre sex (1998)
Sex and the City
Gunshy (1998)
Scotch and Milk (1998)
Aventurile lui Sebastian Cole (1998)
The Adventures of Sebastian Cole
Chiar ma iubesti? (1998)
Kissing a Fool
Familia din Mansfield Park (1998)
Mansfield Park
Oamenii umbrelor (1998)
The Shadow Men
Viata lui Harry (1997)
Deconstructing Harry
Legaturi sentimentale (1997)
Poveste de iubire (1997)
Love Jones
Henry Fool (1997)
Fall (1997)
Focul vietii (1996)
The Substance of Fire
Drumul pe care merg singur (1996)
The Whole Wide World