No Vacancy (1999)
Pasarea din Valea Albastra (1999)
Blue Valley Songbird
Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)
Frogs For Snakes (1998)
Fetele au cuvantul (1998)
Some Girl
Dincolo de usi (1998)
Sliding Doors
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Parinte inainte de vreme (1998)
Fifteen and Pregnant
Speed 2: Croaziera Infernala (1997)
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Stiu ce-ai facut asta-vara (1997)
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Roata vietii (1997)
An Unexpected Life
Te iubesc, nu ma atinge (1997)
I Love You . . . Don't Touch Me!
Opt zile pe saptamana sub fereastra ta (1997)
Eight Days a Week
Frica (1996)
Dragoste de tata (1996)
Abducted: A Father's Love / Fugitive From Justice: Underground Father
Dorinta fatala (1995)
The Babysitter
In umbra mortii (1995)
Falling for You
Fascinatie mortala (1995)
Tall, Dark and Deadly
Doua fete indragostite (1995)
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
Kalifornia (1993)