Visul unei nopti de vara (1999)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Notting Hill (1999)
Uriasul de metal (1999)
The Iron Giant
Invingatorii (1999)
Varsity Blues
Angel (1999)
Viata-n puscarie (1999)
200 de tigarete (1999)
200 Cigarettes
Ride with the Devil (1999)
Aventuri la Casa Alba (1999)
O harta a lumii (1999)
A Map of the World
Martianul meu sonat (1999)
My Favorite Martian
Lectie de viata (1999)
Tuesdays With Morrie
Cautandu-l pe Roland (1999)
The Wood
Cele mai bune prietene (1999)
Coming Soon
Prieteni si iubiti (1999)
Friends & Lovers
Ma scoti din minti! (1999)
Drive Me Crazy
Povestea lui Noah Dearborn (1999)
The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn
Elmo in Grouchland (1999)
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Fetele de la (1999)
Mama, pot sa pastrez maimuta? (1999)
Mom, Can I Keep Her?