Ride with the Devil (1999)
Sotia astronautului (1999)
The Astronaut's Wife
Haos in dragoste (1999)
Iubire interzisa (1999)
Out of the Cold
Splendoare (1999)
Prieteni si iubiti (1999)
Friends & Lovers
O schimbare binevenita (1999)
A Saintly Switch
Nu numai sex (1998)
The Opposite of Sex
Copil de vanzare (1998)
The Baby Dance
Homo Heights (1998)
More Tales of the City (1998)
Specii 2 (1998)
Species II
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Minciuna poleita (1998)
A Bright Shining Lie
Cantec de leagan (1998)
Nunta in stil polonez (1998)
Polish Wedding
Profetia (1998)
The Prophecy II
Sfantul mincinosilor (1998)
The Patron Saint of Liars / The Miracle of the Spring
Home Fries (1998)
In numele dreptatii (1998)