Spionul din vecini (2009)
The Spy Next Door
Nu te pune cu Zohan (2008)
You Don't Mess With the Zohan
Mama are un nou iubit (2007)
My Mom's New Boyfriend
Breach (2007)
Nume de cod: Agentu' de serviciu (2007)
Code Name: The Cleaner
Flight of Fury (2007)
Chuck (2007)
Misiune: Imposibila III (2006)
Mission: Impossible III
Micul spion (2006)
Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker
Flourish (2006)
Aeon Flux (2005)
Lunetistul 3 (2004)
Sniper 3
Academia D.E.B.S. (2004)
Agentul Cody Banks 2: Destinatia Londra (2004)
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
Bravo, catelu'! (2003)
Good Boy!
Spy Kids 3-D: Sfarsitul jocului (2003)
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
Agentul Cody Banks (2003)
Agent Cody Banks
Master and Commander: La capatul Pamantului (2003)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Johnny English (2003)
Identitatea lui Bourne (2002)
The Bourne Identity