Dincolo de ceruri (2002)
The Other Side of Heaven
Orizonturi intunecate (2001)
Drumul spre El Dorado (2000)
The Road to El Dorado
Tribul din fundu' gradinii (1998)
Krippendorf's Tribe
Congo (1995)
Rapa Nui (1994)
Huck si regele inimilor (1993)
Huck and the King of Hearts
Ordinul Trasnitilor (1991)
Oddball Hall
Adio regelui (1989)
Farewell to the King
Padurea de smarald (1985)
The Emerald Forest
Minele regelui Solomon (1985)
King Solomon's Mines
Tarzan, omul-maimuta (1981)
Tarzan, the Ape Man
King Kong (1976)
Joe Kidd (1972)
Lord Jim (1965)
Disparuti in Kilimanjaro (1960)
Killers of Kilimanjaro
Odongo (1956)
Zeita diavol (1955)
Devil Goddess
Intoarcerea in paradis (1953)
Return to Paradise