Bani gratis (2008)
Mad Money
Flawless (2007)
Iscoada (2007)
The Lookout
Nume de cod: Agentu' de serviciu (2007)
Code Name: The Cleaner
Captain Abu Raed (2007)
Joe Dirt (2001)
Pe urmele lui Buck McHenry (2000)
Finding Buck McHenry
Povestea lui Rich Donato (1999)
In a Class of His Own
Paulie (1998)
Air Bud (1997)
Insula Lesbos (1997)
Isle of Lesbos
Gangsteri ... la feminin! (1996)
Set It Off
Oportunitati (1991)
Career Opportunities
Crazy from the Heart (1991)
Varsta de aur (1991)
Golden Years / Stephen King's Golden Years
Neispravitii (1990)
Working Trash
Ernest Goes to Jail (1990)
Incredibilul Hulk (1990)
The Death of the Incredible Hulk
UHF (1989)
The Toxic Avenger (1985)