Avatar (2009)
Ce-o fi, o fi... (2009)
Whatever Works
Incredibilul Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk
Insula din vis (2008)
Nim's Island
Legenda vie (2007)
I Am Legend
Ceasul al 11-lea (2007)
The 11th Hour
Curse of Alcatraz (2007)
Fantana (2006)
The Fountain
Ultima iarna (2006)
The Last Winter
America in carantina (2006)
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
Serum (2006)
Bona de la Fortele Speciale (2005)
The Pacifier
Vanatoare fatala (2005)
A Sound of Thunder
Impact iminent (2005)
Deadly Skies
Interventie in adancuri (2005)
Puzzlehead (2005)
Frankenstein (2004)
Cutremurul (2004)
10.5 / Earthquake: 10.5
Condamnat sa ucida (2004)
Demonul albastru (2004)
Blue Demon