Un tren numit Darjeeling (2007)
The Darjeeling Limited
Drumul dreptatii (2007)
3:10 to Yuma
Fara control (2005)
Polar Expres (2004)
The Polar Express
Aventurile lui Ociee Nash (2003)
The Adventures of Ociee Nash
Crima din Orient Express (2001)
Murder on the Orient Express
Trenul atomic (1999)
Atomic Train
Dincolo de usi (1998)
Sliding Doors
Big Train (1998)
Inainte de rasarit (1995)
Before Sunrise
Sechestrati in tren (1995)
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Ador incurcaturile (1994)
I Love Trouble
Frank si Jesse (1994)
Frank and Jesse
Ordinul Trasnitilor (1991)
Oddball Hall
Inapoi in viitor III (1990)
Back to the Future Part III
Pe muchie de cutit (1990)
Narrow Margin
Mystery Train (1989)
Prietenii (1986)
Stand by Me