Arma mortala (1987)
Lethal Weapon
Cortina de fier (1987)
The Living Daylights
Nume de cod: Dansatorul (1987)
Her Secret Life / Code Name: Dancer
The Barbarians (1987)
Joc murdar (1987)
Death Before Dishonor
Sport sangeros (1986)
Cobra (1986)
Raspuns armat (1986)
Armed Response
Protectorul (1985)
Jingcha Gushi / Police Story
Viata si moarte in Los Angeles (1985)
To Live and Die in L.A.
Politist si detectiv (1984)
City Heat
Johnny "pericol" (1984)
Johnny Dangerously
Sheena, regina junglei (1984)
Cei sapte gladiatori (1984)
The Seven Magnificent Gladiators
Intoarcerea inspectorului Harry (1983)
Sudden Impact
Lupul singuratic (1983)
Lone Wolf McQuade
Nume De Cod: Soldatul (1982)
The Soldier
Soimi de noapte (1981)
Primul pacat mortal (1980)
The First Deadly Sin
Gaura neagra (1979)
The Black Hole