Licence to Kill (1989)
License to Kill
Razboi total (1989)
Manevre primejdioase (1989)
Deadly Spygames
Scorpionul rosu: Riposta (1989)
Red Scorpion
Identitatea lui Bourne (1988)
The Bourne Identity
Little Nikita (1988)
Mai presus de lege (1988)
Above the Law / Nico
Iesind din tenebre (1988)
Out of the Shadows
Black Eagle (1988)
White Ghost (1988)
Al patrulea protocol (1987)
The Fourth Protocol
Cine esti tu domnule Michael Sanders (1987)
Outrageous Fortune
Malone (1987)
Cortina de fier (1987)
The Living Daylights
Urmarirea (1987)
Nume de cod: Dansatorul (1987)
Her Secret Life / Code Name: Dancer
Trupa de comando (1987)
Commando Squad
Spion fara voie (1986)
Jumpin' Jack Flash
Harem (1986)
Monte Carlo (1986)