Batalia pentru Anglia (1969)
Battle of Britain
In slujba Majestatii Sale (1969)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Cel mai periculos om din lume (1969)
The Chairman
The Fixer (1968)
Acolo unde se avanta vulturii (1968)
Where Eagles Dare
The Mercenaries (1968)
Dark Of The Sun
Battle Beneath the Earth (1968)
Duzina de ticalosi (1967)
The Dirty Dozen
A doua sansa (1967)
You Only Live Twice
Arabesc (1966)
Operatiunea Thunderball (1965)
Operation Crossbow (1965)
Colina (1965)
The Hill
Goldfinger (1964)
633 Squadron (1964)
Squadron 633
Din Rusia, cu dragoste (1963)
From Russia With Love
Dr. No (1962)
Copilul vandut (1960)