G.I. Joe: Ascensiunea Cobrei (2009)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Hellboy 2: Armata de Aur (2008)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
X-Men: Ultima Infruntare (2006)
X-Men: The Last Stand
Hellboy - Eroul scapat din Infern (2004)
Fracul Magic (2002)
The Tuxedo
Cod Omega 2 (2001)
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
Masca lui Zorro (1998)
The Mask of Zorro
Blade (1998)
Balanta puterii (1997)
Balance of Power
Omul Intunericului III (1996)
Darkman III: Die Darkman Die
Justitiarul de la coltul strazii (1996)
Street Corner Justice
Judecatorul (1995)
Judge Dredd
Misterul inelului (1995)
The Power Within
Ultima Batalie (1994)
Street Fighter
Double Dragon (1994)
Demolatorul (1993)
Demolition Man
Furie dezlantuita II (1993)
Rage and Honor II: Hostile Takeover
Batman revine (1992)
Batman Returns
Soldatul universal (1992)
Universal Soldier
Capitanul America (1992)
Captain America