Furios si Iute: Tokyo Drift (2006)
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Hellboy - Eroul scapat din Infern (2004)
Casa Sabiilor Zburatoare (2004)
Shi mian mai fu / House of flying daggers
The Storm Riders (1998)
Twister (1996)
Dragoste furata (1996)
Feeling Minnesota
Ashes of Time (1994)
O femeie drept rasplata (1993)
Mad Dog and Glory
Billy Bathgate (1991)
Fara scapare (1991)
Blue Desert
Camarazi de razboi (1991)
The Finest Hour
Adevar periculos (1990)
Cover Up
O slujba periculoasa (1989)
Genuine Risk
Cine esti tu domnule Michael Sanders (1987)
Outrageous Fortune
Cotton Club (1984)
The Cotton Club
Popeye (1980)
Cutremurul (1974)
Razboiul Mafiei (1973)
The Don Is Dead
Inamicul din adancuri (1957)
Fire Down Below
Trapez (1956)