The Black Stallion (1979)
Vidra Tarka (1979)
Tarka the Otter
Gates of Heaven (1978)
Vis de glorie (1978)
International Velvet
Toate vietuitoarele mari si mici (1974)
All Creatures Great and Small
Benji (1974)
Ziua delfinului (1973)
The Day of the Dolphin
Calutul roib (1973)
The Red Pony
Sounder (1972)
Chemarea strabunilor (1972)
Call of the Wild
Raffles, cimpanzeul telespectator (1971)
The Barefoot Executive
Binecuvantati animalele si copiii (1971)
Bless the Beasts and Children
Black Beauty (1971)