Flicka (2006)
Felicity (2005)
Felicity: An American Girl Adventure
O cursa cu obstacole (2004)
The Long Shot
Spender, campionul (2003)
Big Spender
Armasarul Negru (2003)
The Young Black Stallion
Cursa Virginiei (2002)
Virginia's Run
Nebuni dupa cai (2001)
Horse Crazy
Black Beauty (1994)
The Black Stallion Returns (1983)
The Black Stallion (1979)
Calutul roib (1973)
The Red Pony
Dansul armasarilor albi (1962)
Miracle of the White Stallions
The Red Pony (1949)
Green Grass of Wyoming (1948)
Vis de glorie (1944)
National Velvet