Star Trek: Generatia urmatoare (1987)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek IV: Drumul spre casa (1986)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Labyrinth (1986)
Calator in timp si spatiu (1986)
Flight of the Navigator
Exploratorii (1985)
Captain EO (1985)
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
Star Trek III: In cautarea lui Spock (1984)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Ultimul luptator stelar (1984)
The Last Starfighter
The Ewok Adventure (1984)
Star Wars: Episodul VI - Intoarcerea lui Jedi (1983)
Return of the Jedi
Krull (1983)
Macross (1982)
Star Wars: Episodul V - Imperiul contraataca (1980)
The Empire Strikes Back
Star Trek I: Filmul (1979)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Muntele Vrajitoarei (1978)
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