Aventurile Baronului Munchausen (1989)
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Star Trek V: Ultima Frontiera (1989)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Batman (1989)
Indiana Jones si Ultima cruciada (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (1989)
Around the World in 80 Days
Comoara din Insula (1989)
Treasure Island
Erik vikingul (1989)
Erik the Viking
Intoarcerea muschetarilor (1989)
The Return of the Musketeers
La drumul mare (1989)
The Lady and the Highwayman
Ocupatie de familie (1989)
Family Business
Mostenirea lui Fletch (1989)
Fletch Lives
Toti cainii merg in rai (1989)
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Coroana de foc (1989)
Adio regelui (1989)
Farewell to the King
Crusoe (1989)
Calatoria (1989)
Far Out Man
Draga, am micsorat copiii (1989)
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Infernul de hartie (1989)
Lacrima cerului (1989)
Muntele curajului (1989)
Courage Mountain