Ultimele zile ale Sophiei Scholl (2005)
Sophie Scholl: Die Letzten Tage / Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
Ucigasul (2001)
Shot in the Heart
Eu si Mussolini (1985)
Mussolini and I / Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce
Danton (1982)
Let Joy Reign Supreme . . . (1975)
Que la fĂȘte commence...
Ultimul act (1974)
Mussolini: Ultimo Atto / Last Days of Mussolini
Anna celor o mie de zile (1969)
Anne of the Thousand Days
I Want to Live! (1958)
Magie neagra (1949)
Black Magic
Ioana d'Arc (1948)
Joan of Arc
Maria Stuart (1936)
Mary of Scotland
Viata particulara a lui Henric al VIII-lea (1933)
The Private Life of Henry VIII
Patimile Ioanei D'Arc (1928)
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc / The Passion of Joan of Arc