Cand Harry o intalneste pe Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally
Razboiul rozelor (1989)
The War of the Roses
Numai tata sa nu fii! (1989)
Mystic Pizza (1988)
Mama mea e extraterestra (1988)
My Stepmother Is an Alien
Viata in...trei (1988)
She's Having a Baby
Interviu pe scaunul electric (1988)
Switching Channels
Shag (1988)
Moonstruck (1987)
S-a furat Arizona (1987)
Raising Arizona
Dragoste franta (1986)
Giuvaerul Nilului (1985)
The Jewel of the Nile
Sotia jucatorului de baseball (1985)
The Slugger's Wife
O aniversare cu bucluc (1984)
Sixteen Candles
Femeia in rosu (1984)
The Woman in Red
Micki + Maude (1984)
Geamanul (1984)
Le Jumeau
Monty Python - Intelesul vietii (1983)
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Ginere de senator (1983)
Going Berserk
Adevarata dragoste (1982)
Not Just Another Affair