Splendoare (1999)
Prieteni si iubiti (1999)
Friends & Lovers
Buturuga (1999)
La Bűche
O schimbare binevenita (1999)
A Saintly Switch
Mr. Zhao (1998)
Nu numai sex (1998)
The Opposite of Sex
Homo Heights (1998)
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Nunta in stil polonez (1998)
Polish Wedding
Home Fries (1998)
Graba strica treaba (1997)
Fools Rush In
Un zambet ca al tau (1997)
A Smile Like Yours
Dragoste in ofsaid (1997)
Fever Pitch
Comstock si Rosemary (1997)
Keep The Aspidistra Flying
Ruth (1996)
Citizen Ruth
101 Dalmatieni (1996)
101 Dalmatians
Doamna Winterbourne (1996)
Mrs. Winterbourne
Zvon de maritis (1996)
Wedding Bell Blues
Noua luni (1995)
Nine Months