I'm All Right Jack (1959)
Soricelul se pune cu Elefantul (1959)
The Mouse That Roared
Indiscretie (1958)
The Square Peg (1958)
Printul si dansatoarea (1957)
The Prince and the Showgirl
Un rege la New York (1957)
A King in New York
Just My Luck (1957)
Trei intr-o barca (1957)
Three Men in a Boat
Ocolul pamantului in 80 de zile (1956)
Around the World in 80 Days
The Little Hut (1956)
Banii nu conteaza! (1956)
The Iron Petticoat
The Ladykillers (1955)
Ferma animalelor (1955)
Animal Farm
Bancnota de un milion de lire sterline (1954)
The Million Pound Note / Man with a Million
Mai tare ca diavolul (1953)
Beat the Devil
Trouble in Store (1953)
Genevieve (1953)
The Crimson Pirate (1952)
Locuitorii de pe Lavender Hill (1951)
The Lavender Hill Mob
Zece oameni in desert (1951)
Ten Tall Men