Notting Hill (1999)
Fiul meu, fanaticul (1997)
My Son the Fanatic
O viata mai putin obisnuita (1997)
A Life Less Ordinary
Petitorul (1997)
The Matchmaker
Dragoste in ofsaid (1997)
Fever Pitch
A Close Shave (1995)
Ratiune si simtire (1995)
Sense and Sensibility
Vacanta in aprilie (1995)
A Month by the Lake
Patru nunti si o inmormantare (1994)
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993)
Much Ado About Nothing
Castele de nisip (1993)
Au Pair
Doi oameni simpli (1992)
Simple Men
Hear My Song (1991)