Hoinarii (1969)
The Reivers
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969)
Acei oameni minunati si masinile lor zburatoare (1969)
Those Daring Young Men in Their Jaunty Jalopies
Producatorii (1968)
The Producers
Masina buclucasa (1968)
The Love Bug
The Scalphunters (1968)
Felicitari (1968)
Fantoma lui Barba Neagra (1968)
Blackbeard's Ghost
The Odd Couple (1968)
Luv (1967)
Cosmonaut din intamplare (1967)
The Reluctant Astronaut
The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! (1966)
The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming!
Prima de asigurare (1966)
The Fortune Cookie
Razboi in dormitor (1966)
Not with My Wife, You Don't!
Girl Happy (1965)
Adio, Charlie! (1964)
Goodbye Charlie
Parisul vesel (1962)
Gay Purr-ee
Scoala tinerilor casatoriti (1962)
Period of Adjustment
Familia Flintstone (1960)
The Flintstones
Banda celor 11 (1960)
Ocean's Eleven