Cand Harry o intalneste pe Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally
Razboiul rozelor (1989)
The War of the Roses
Numai tata sa nu fii! (1989)
Mama mea e extraterestra (1988)
My Stepmother Is an Alien
Viata in...trei (1988)
She's Having a Baby
Interviu pe scaunul electric (1988)
Switching Channels
Moonstruck (1987)
S-a furat Arizona (1987)
Raising Arizona
Dragoste franta (1986)
Giuvaerul Nilului (1985)
The Jewel of the Nile
Sotia jucatorului de baseball (1985)
The Slugger's Wife
O aniversare cu bucluc (1984)
Sixteen Candles
Femeia in rosu (1984)
The Woman in Red
Micki + Maude (1984)
Ginere de senator (1983)
Going Berserk
Adevarata dragoste (1982)
Not Just Another Affair
Kiss Me Goodbye (1982)
Ultima sansa (1982)
Take Your Best Shot
Patru anotimpuri (1981)
The Four Seasons
Impulsul inimii (1981)