Furtuna, peripetii si... dragoste (1999)
Forces of Nature
Regina balului (1999)
Babe - Noile aventuri ale lui Babe in oras (1998)
Babe: Pig in the City
Tapul ispasitor (1998)
Clay Pigeons
O noapte la Roxbury (1998)
A Night at the Roxbury
Jack Frost (1998)
Traieste altfel! (1995)
Heaven Sent
Ador incurcaturile (1994)
I Love Trouble
Body Bags (1993)
Fiul panterei roz (1993)
Son of the Pink Panther
Memoriile omului invizibil (1992)
Memoirs of an Invisible Man
O lume rece (1992)
Cool World
Necazuri in lant (1992)
Trouble Bound
Doc Hollywood (1991)
Incident pe autostrada (1991)
Highway 61
Rugul vanitatilor (1990)
The Bonfire of the Vanities
In capcanele seductiei (1990)
Enid Is Sleeping / Over Her Dead Body