Bulworth (1998)
Sentimentele vechi (1997)
That Old Feeling
Petitorul (1997)
The Matchmaker
Jocul presedintilor (1996)
My Fellow Americans
Striptease (1996)
Oaia neagra (1996)
Black Sheep
Bodyguard la fiul presedintelui (1996)
First Kid
Dragostea unui presedinte american (1995)
The American President
Singur in Africa (1994)
A Good Man in Africa
Fara vorbe (1994)
Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993)
Much Ado About Nothing
Dave - presedinte pentru o zi (1993)
Afaceri barbare (1993)
Barbarians at the Gate
Bob Roberts (1992)
Trucuri murdare (1992)
Running Mates
Un domn distins (1992)
The Distinguished Gentleman
Metropolitan (1990)
Echipa trasnita (1990)
Loose Cannons
Slab de inima (1990)
Heart Condition