Fata din cafenea (2005)
The Girl in the Café
Un nou inceput (2005)
Bigger Than the Sky
Dragoste adevarata (2005)
Funny Valentine
A fost odata o nunta (2005)
Once Upon a Wedding
Da (Dar mai degraba Ba) (2004)
I Do (But I Don't)
Brown Sugar (2002)
Placinta Americana 2 (2001)
American Pie 2
Fraierul (2000)
Indragostiti... ca la 16 ani (2000)
Down to You
Intoarce-te la mine (2000)
Return to Me
Adolescentul atomic (1999)
Blast from the Past
10 chestii nu-mi plac la tine (1999)
10 Things I Hate About You
Splendoare (1999)
Ma scoti din minti! (1999)
Drive Me Crazy
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection