Norocosul (2007)
Lucky You
Muzica si versurile (2007)
Music and Lyrics
Pantera Roz (2006)
The Pink Panther
In inima Californiei (2005)
The Californians
The Seat Filler (2004)
Dummy (2003)
Passionada (2003)
Pop Star - Lizzie McGuire (2003)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie
Iubire neconditionata (2002)
Unconditional Love
Aventurile lui Pluto Nash (2002)
The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Al patrulea tenor (2002)
The 4th Tenor
Rock Star (2001)
Piaza rea (2001)
Saving Silverman
Marea hoinareala (2000)
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Barul Coyote Ugly (2000)
Coyote Ugly