Fata din cafenea (2005)
The Girl in the Café
Un nou inceput (2005)
Bigger Than the Sky
Dragoste adevarata (2005)
Funny Valentine
A fost odata o nunta (2005)
Once Upon a Wedding
Da (Dar mai degraba Ba) (2004)
I Do (But I Don't)
Brown Sugar (2002)
Placinta Americana 2 (2001)
American Pie 2
Fraierul (2000)
Indragostiti... ca la 16 ani (2000)
Down to You
Intoarce-te la mine (2000)
Return to Me
Adolescentul atomic (1999)
Blast from the Past
10 chestii nu-mi plac la tine (1999)
10 Things I Hate About You
Splendoare (1999)
Ma scoti din minti! (1999)
Drive Me Crazy
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Poveste de iubire (1997)
Love Jones
Inainte de rasarit (1995)
Before Sunrise
La pescuit (1994)
Go Fish
Necazuri in paradis (1988)
Trouble in Paradise