Take a Chance (2006)
The Rugrats Movie (1998)
Alarmistul (1997)
The Alarmist
Razboiul rozelor (1989)
The War of the Roses
Ce copil minunat! (1989)
Divine Enfant
The World According to Goofy: Walt Disney Cartoon Classics Limited Gold Edition (1985)
Domnul mamica (1983)
Mr. Mom
Averea (1975)
The Fortune
Desprinderea (1971)
Taking Off
Urechea (1970)
Diavolul si cele zece porunci (1962)
Le Diable Et Les Dix Commandements / The Devil and the Ten Commandments
Unchiul meu (1958)
Mon Oncle
Piciul (1921)
The Kid