In inima Californiei (2005)
The Californians
Articolul 99 (1992)
Article 99
Comando de cartier (1991)
Suburban Commando
Riff-Raff (1991)
Razboiul rozelor (1989)
The War of the Roses
Bile spatiale (1987)
Ciuliti-va urechile! (1987)
Prick Up Your Ears
Piratii (1976)
Nu te atinge de femeia alba! (1974)
Touche Pas a La Femme Blanche! / Don't Touch the White Woman
Desprinderea (1971)
Taking Off
Tot Inainte, La Lucru, Muncitori! (1971)
Carry on at Your Convenience
The Cheyenne Social Club (1970)
The Scalphunters (1968)
Razboi in dormitor (1966)
Not with My Wife, You Don't!
Pasaroi si pasarele (1966)
Uccellacci e Uccellini / The Hawks and the Sparrows
Marea Cursa (1965)
The Great Race
Serbarile galante (1965)
Les Fetes Galantes
Sexul Slab (1964)
Sex and the Single Girl
Fiorii celebritatii (1963)
The Thrill of It All!
The Quiet Man (1952)