Femeia Fatala (2002)
Femme Fatale
Joc dublu (1999)
Die Abzocker - Eine eiskalte Affäre / The Hustle
B. Monkey (1998)
Batman si Robin (1997)
Batman & Robin
Viata dubla (1995)
Separate Lives
Specialistul (1994)
The Specialist
The Last Seduction (1994)
Columbo: Jocul seductiei (1993)
Columbo: It's All in the Game
Inimi pacatoase (1993)
Dangerous Heart
Crima in New Hampshire (1991)
Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Smart Story / Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story
Peripetii in sutana (1991)
Hot under the Collar
Dragoste si afrodisiace (1990)
Blood and Concrete / Blood and Concrete, A Love Story
Butterfly (1981)
Dr. Goldfoot si fetele-bomba (1966)
Spie Vengono dal Semifreddo / Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
Detour (1946)
Scarlet Street (1945)