Nebuna din Chaillot (1969)
The Madwoman of Chaillot
Baltagul (1969)
Dosarul "Golden Goose" (1969)
The File of the Golden Goose
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968)
C'era Una Volta Il West / Once Upon a Time in the West
Nu e rentabil sa fii erou (1968)
The Hell with Heroes
A ciascuno il suo (1967)
We Still Kill the Old Way
The Glory Stompers (1967)
Urmarirea (1966)
The Chase
Stapanul domeniului (1965)
The War Lord
Hamlet (1964)
Vizita batranei doamne (1964)
The Visit
Jurnalul unei cameriste (1964)
Le Journal d'une Femme de Chambre / Diary of a Chambermaid
An Actor's Revenge (1963)
Dulcea pasare a tineretii (1962)
Sweet Bird of Youth
Electra (1962)
Adua e le compagne (1960)
Warui yatsu hodo yoku nemuru (1960)
The Bad Sleep Well