Miezul noptii in gradina binelui si a raului (1997)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Bun venit la Sarajevo (1997)
Welcome to Sarajevo
Cutia chinezeasca (1997)
Chinese Box
Crime si focuri de artificii (1997)
This World, Then the Fireworks
Teritoriul interzis (1997)
Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone
Protestantul (1997)
Resurrection Man
Taisul (1996)
Sling Blade
Pacatele tineretii (1996)
Bombay (1995)
Nascuti asasini (1994)
Natural Born Killers
Pret-a-Porter - Crima in lumea modei (1994)
Prêt-à-Porter / Ready to Wear
Printesa Caraboo (1994)
Princess Caraboo
Vieti paralele (1994)
Parallel Lives
Vointa de fier (1994)
Iron Will
Lordul crimelor (1994)
Amy Fisher (1993)
The Amy Fisher Story / Lethal Lolita - Amy Fisher: My Own Story
Obsesie periculoasa (1993)
My Daughter's Keeper
Candva pe aici trecea un rau (1992)
A River Runs Through It
Dragoste si moarte (1991)
An Inconvenient Woman
Puncte de vedere (1991)
He Said, She Said