Happy together (1997)
Aurul lui Ulee (1997)
Ulee's Gold
Familia (1997)
The Eel (1997)
Anna Karenina (1997)
Verisoara Bette (1997)
Cousin Bette
In deriva (1997)
La Buena estrella (1997)
Cele doua fete ale dragostei (1996)
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Walking and Talking (1996)
Jane Eyre (1996)
Parfumul dragostei (1996)
Bed of Roses
Podurile din Madison County (1995)
The Bridges of Madison County
Insemnari din subterana (1995)
Notes from Underground
Trei culori: Rosu (1994)
Trois Couleurs: Rouge / Red
Chungking Express (1994)
Nobody's Fool (1994)
Dezgolit (1993)
Ritmurile noptii (1992)
Night Rhythms
Inca o data (1991)
Once Around