An Affair of Love (1999)
Une liaison pornographique / A Pornographic Affair
Aimee and Jaguar (1999)
Aimée & Jaguar
Oneghin (1999)
Splendoare (1999)
Ma scoti din minti! (1999)
Drive Me Crazy
Secretele adolescentei (1999)
The Secret Life of Girls
Prieten sau iubit (1998)
The Object of My Affection
Poveste de iubire (1997)
Love Jones
Viata mea sexuala...sau cum am ajuns la divergente (1996)
Comment Je Me Suis Dispute...(Ou Ma Vie Sexuelle) / My Sex Life (...Or How I Got Into an Argument)
Inainte de rasarit (1995)
Before Sunrise
Intre prieteni (1995)
Circle of Friends
Varsta inocentei (1993)
The Age of Innocence
Ramasitele zilei (1993)
The Remains of the Day
Farewell, My Concubine (1993)
Dorinta (1993)
Desire / Salt on Our Skin
Incredere inselata (1992)
In Sickness and in Health / Hearts on Fire
Sotul coafezei (1990)
Le Mari de la Coiffeuse / The Hairdresser's Husband