Sinuciderea fecioarelor (1999)
The Virgin Suicides
Cu ochii spre stele (1999)
The Book of Stars
Kennedy et moi (1999)
Another Day In Paradise (1998)
More Tales of the City (1998)
Drumul spre Graceland (1998)
Finding Graceland
In lupta cu aligatorii (1998)
Wrestling with Alligators
The Taste of Cherry (1997)
Iubirea secreta a Reginei Victoria (1997)
Mrs. Brown
In amurg (1997)
Departe de casa (1997)
Home Before Dark
Walking and Talking (1996)
Losing Chase (1996)
Gigolo (1996)
Don Juan DeMarco (1995)
Petrecerea "burlacelor" (1995)
Live Nude Girls
Vive l'Amour (1994)
Cu picioarele pe pamant (1994)
Reality Bites
Chungking Express (1994)
Nobody's Fool (1994)