Sfantul mincinosilor (1998)
The Patron Saint of Liars / The Miracle of the Spring
Sfarsitul verii (1998)
Summer's End
Jinnah (1998)
Poveste de iubire la Praga (1998)
Lies and Whispers / Prague Duet
Inelul (1996)
Danielle Steel's 'The Ring'
Dorinta implinita (1996)
The Last Home Run
Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
To Vlemma Tou Odyssea
Toti oamenii sunt muritori (1995)
All Men Are Mortal
Trecut de neiertat (1994)
Woman with a Past
Clubul Joy Luck (1993)
The Joy Luck Club
Being Human (1993)
Cartea dragostei (1991)
Book of Love
Amintiri periculoase (1991)
Memories of Midnight
Eternitate (1990)